Archive for the ‘tech’ Category

The End of Windows XP

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

Okay, not entirely the end. If you’re still on Windows XP it’s not going to self-destruct and magically vanish from your computer within a week, but unfortunately it will be a bit unsecure to use. On April 8th Microsoft will stop supporting this operating system that was released back in 2001 & they urge that you upgrade now. You will no longer receive security updates or support for issues with this operating system.

So, if you’re the owner of a computer running the Windows XP operating system, which is still running on more than 10 percent of the world’s computers, it might be time to upgrade to a new computer or at least a new operating system.

Of course, neither of these options may seem like the option you’re looking for, but sticking with XP isn’t going to be the most secure option. Even connecting a USB drive could be unsafe & being connected to the internet is an even worse idea. If you’re reading this after April 8, 2014…I hope you aren’t on a computer with Windows XP.

A few options before the end of Windows XP:

#1 Buy a new computer

If you choose this option, you may want to make sure that it is running the new Windows 8.1 operating system that is supposed to be closer to what you currently have with Windows XP – unless you’re in the market for a new user experience.

#2 Upgrade your current computer’s operating system to Windows 7 — this option assumes you can find it somewhere to purchase.

#3 Upgrade your current computer to Windows 8 – this option isn’t ideal, it may not even work on your computer that was born before the new touchscreen era.

#4 Do nothing & just keep using Windows XP – after all, it didn’t disappear, but this option isn’t the safest. If you do choose this, at the very least don’t leave it connected to the internet.

The ‘Glasshole’

Friday, February 21st, 2014

Would You Wear A ‘SmartWig’?

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

In the quest to have the latest ‘It’ gadget, Sony has recently filed a patent for a new SmartWig that can be worn to discreetly hide a device that will vibrate when you receive a phone call, text, etc. Would you be caught wearing it?

via Yahoo Finance